Osmanlı hanedanı

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              Arşivler'de Osmanlı hanedanı için 4 sonuç

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              İKA YİE-A-2-992 · Öge · Cemâziyelevvel 1340
              Part of Yusuf İzzeddin Efendi Family Records

              Osmanlı hanedanı hakkında çıkarılacak olan kanunun hanedan mensupları ve tarihimiz açısından uygun olmadığına ve kanunun kabul edilmemesine dair hanedan azaları adına düzenlenmiş hilafet makamına arzuhal.

              İKA YİE · Fon · 14.08.1909

              When the heir apparent Yusuf İzzeddin Efendi passed away in 1916, Mehmed Tevfik Bey (Biren) assumed the administration of his estate as guardian. The documents, which were shaped around issues such as the distribution of income among family members, expenditures made, and the administration of the estate, reached a significant volume and eventually became an independent collection. The collection, consisting of 4,048 documents produced between 1916 and 1968, is organized in 17 folders and 1,330 files.

              Yusuf İzzeddin Efendi ailesi